If the error occurs at operation 0x0000011b, you will not be able to print. But there is a simple fix that restores the function
Error on operation 0x0000011b: The cause
If you see the error at operation 0x0000011b, printing to network printers in particular may be affected. Both when connecting and printing on such devices, the error message may appear. Cause for this function restriction is among other things the Windows security update “CVE-2021-1278”. But also the updates KB5005033 and KB5004945 provided by Microsoft can cause this error. The result is the so-called “PrintNightmare” printer error, but it is easy to fix.
Fix error on operation 0x0000011b via registry
To get the error at process 0x0000011b under control, only few handles in the registry are necessary:
- Type “regedit” in the start bar search field. Launch the registry editor from the search results displayed. Alternatively, you can get to the application by right-clicking the Start button and selecting “Run”. In the “Open” field enter “regedit” and confirm with “OK”.
- Navigate to the path “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlPrint”.
- Create a new DWORD 32-bit value there and name it with “RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators”.
- Assign the value “0” to the entry so that it looks like this: “RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled”=dword:00000000”.
- Now you need to restart the printer spooler. Press the Windows key + R, then type “services.msc” in the “Run” box. This will open the Windows services management.
- Find the “Print Queue” service and double-click on it.
- In the window that opens, stop the service under “Service status” and then press “Start”. For the service to run in the background, the status “Running” should be displayed. If this is not the case, the print function is completely disabled.
- If this measure did not help, check your antivirus program. Temporarily disable the tool to test if the error continues to occur during operation 0x0000011b.