To delete locked files in Windows, you usually only need the appropriate permissions or are not currently allowed to use them
Windows: How to delete locked files
The file cannot be deleted. If you encounter this error message, there may be various causes.
- In most cases, you do not have the appropriate authorizations under Windows. Log in with your admin account to solve the problem
- If you do not have the admin account for the PC, ask the person in question if you can delete the file. This may also work.
- It is also possible that the file is currently being used and cannot be deleted for this reason. Close the file to delete it afterwards.
- If this is not possible, you must terminate the process or service via the Task Manager. Only then is it possible to permanently delete the file.
- Tip: Alternatively, you can use special programs to delete the locked files. These are unlockers that remove possible locks and thus enable the file to be deleted.