Create a shortcut on the desktop

by Pramith

Create shortcuts on your desktop to quickly open the linked programs and folders. There are two ways to create them

Create a shortcut using the “Send to” function

Using the “Send to” function, you can easily create shortcuts on the desktop of your computer or notebook. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Navigate to the exe file of the program or folder from which you want to create a shortcut on the desktop. To do this, either change to the directory where the program or folder is stored or navigate to the corresponding Start menu entry.
  • Right-click on the exe file of the program or the folder.
  • Select “Send to”.
  • Then select “Desktop (Create shortcut”).

Create a shortcut yourself

In addition to the option described above, you also have the option of creating a link yourself. Proceed as follows:

  • Right-click on an empty space on the desktop
  • Select “New” -☻ “Shortcut”.
  • Click on “Browse”. Then navigate to the exe file of the program or to the folder and select the file or folder.
  • Click on “Next”.
  • Enter a name for the shortcut and click on “Finish”.

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