If you want to cancel your Paramount Plus subscription or even delete your account, the easiest way to do it is through the website. We’ll show you how it’s done.
Paramount+: Cancel subscription & delete account
You can cancel your subscription directly through the Paramount website. If you have purchased the subscription through a third party provider such as the Google Playstore, you must cancel your subscription there. Deleting your account can be done again through the website.
- Website: Open paramountplus.com on your device. Click on your username in the upper right corner and then on “Account”. Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Cancel Subscription”. This is how you cancel your subscription.
- Third-party providers: If you purchased your subscription via the Google Playstore, you must first access it. Then click on your profile picture in the top right corner. Next, click on “Payments & Subscriptions”. Then click on “Subscriptions”. Here you will see your active and expired subscriptions. Now click on the Paramount+ subscription and then on “Cancel Subscription”. It works similarly for other third-party providers. The Paramount+ support page explains how to cancel your account with various providers.
- Delete account: If you want to delete your account completely, it is best to contact Paramount+ support. To do this, go to paramount.com and to the contact us box. Now enter your contact details and write in the “Description” text box that you want to delete your account. You will then receive a confirmation by email.