If you want to exchange one or more products from Media Markt, this is only possible within a certain period of time. We show you how to do it online and offline.
Money back at Media Markt: When is it possible to exchange a product?
Media Markt advertises that exchanges work “without ifs and buts”. So you can return any product within 14 days, even if you just don’t like it.
- By law, Media Markt is not obliged to do this. Since competitors like Amazon also take back products that customers simply no longer like, Media Markt shows itself accommodating. Despite the advertising promise: not every shop has to adhere to it.
- In addition to the voluntary 14-day right to exchange, you also have the right to a guarantee. The warranty period is usually 2 years. If a defect occurs in the product within the first 6 months after purchase, it can be assumed that the defect was present from the beginning.
- In the case of a defect that is obviously self-inflicted, such as a broken display on a smartphone, this presumption of innocence does not apply. If the device is older than 6 months, you must prove yourself that the defect existed from the beginning.
- If you want to exchange a product, you will need the product and the receipt. If you do not want a replacement product, you will be refunded the purchase price. In some cases, you will receive the money in cash, but you are not entitled to this. Media Markt has the right to pay you the money in the form of a voucher.
- Note: If the packaging or the device shows visible signs of use, Media Markt may refuse to take it back completely or only refund a partial amount. To avoid this, you should return the device as clean as possible and store it neatly in the original packaging.
Buying online at MediaMarkt: How to make an exchange
If you are entitled to exchange the goods, you can simply return the package to Media Markt. Please note the following things:
- If you ordered a product from Media Markt’s online shop, you can cancel the purchase contract within 14 days. The 14-day period begins as soon as you have received the last product from the order.
- Once you have sent the cancellation, you have 14 days to return the goods by post. The return label is enclosed with your order. Alternatively, you can hand in the goods in person at any local Media Markt store.
Save on your next Mediamarkt purchase with the help of our vouchers. In the next practical tip, we’ll show you how to pay by instalments at Media Markt.