You can use numerous services on the PS4. Find out whether the German streaming service Joyn is also one of them in this article.
Set up Joyn on PS4: This is how it works
Joyn is a very young, German streaming service that has been available since 2017. Since 2019, you can also use the service on the Playstation 4.
- You can easily download the streaming service for your Playstation.
- First, go to the Playstore and search for “Joyn”. Once you find the app, you can download it for free.
- Once you have done this, open the app.
- Now you will be asked to log in. You can do this with your user account that you got for Pro7, for example, or you have to create one.
- You can also use the smartphone app or the browser version for this, as it’s easier to type and access your mail.
- In Joyn, go to Account and Register. Then enter your mail address and you will receive a confirmation mail. Here you can confirm your email address and choose a password. You have now created your account. You can now also use this account for the PS4 version.
You can also use Joyn Plus on the PS4.