The Disney Plus streaming service is also aimed at a younger audience, so the option of parental controls comes as no surprise. We explain how to set up the content restriction and how to deactivate it if necessary.
Parental Controls in Disney Plus: Restricting the content you see
With the introduction of the “Star” service, the need arose at Disney Plus to subject content to greater regulation according to the age of the user.
- Therefore, all films and videos have since been provided with an age recommendation.
- The service uses this to determine which user accounts are allowed to access the files.
- The benchmark here is the respective account setting with regard to the age requirements.
- Content that is not suitable for the respective age is displayed but cannot be accessed directly.
- To enable age rating, click on your avatar in the top right corner of the Disney Plus homepage and then select “Edit Profiles. “
- Then click on the profile you want to parental control, which is probably your son or daughter’s account.
- Now you can adjust numerous settings and, if necessary, deactivate them again. However, the “Parental Control” tab is especially interesting.
- Independently of this, you can also set an age limit in the “Age Rating” tab that is to apply to content that can be accessed. The relevant age can be set here as 0, 6, 12, 16 and 18, based on the FSK rating known in Germany.
- To counter this, it is advisable to set a separate PIN for your parent profile.
- To do this, also access the profile settings.
- In the “Parental Control” tab, you will find the entry Profile PIN at the very bottom.
- Click on it. A dialogue will then open in which you can specify four digits.
- This way, your children can gain access to their own account knowing the general password, which is identical for all profiles, but they cannot access the account of their guardians.
- With knowledge of the password, this would otherwise be possible, as the desired profile must be determined in each case when logging in. From now on, this is only possible by entering the specified PIN.
- This way, your children can gain access to their own account knowing the general password, which is identical for all profiles, but they cannot access the account of their guardians.
The comprehensive child protection: The profile PIN
If you leave your children to their own devices and Disney Plus, there is a potential chance that your offspring will simply switch off the parental controls in the profile settings.