Creating a creative website header can be helpful to look serious and get recognition.
Tips for formatting headers
Before creating a header, consider the following about size and formatting:
- A website header should show page title, band or company name or logo.
- Typical resolutions of today’s screens are 1024 pixels in width. Your header should be no wider than this. Typically, 24 pixels are subtracted from this for the scroll bar and 100 to 150 pixels for the bookmark bar.
- If you programme your website in HTML, give your header its own frame so that it is not constantly reloaded. Many tips on HTML design and programming can be found at Self-HTML.
- Consider carefully whether your header should have a large number of colours in uncompressed form, or whether you prefer to design spatially so that your page loads quickly even with slow internet connections. BMP is not suitable, JPG is very flexible in terms of compression, PNG and GIF support transparency and can be saved with fewer colours to be smaller in file size.
Quickly create header
- At Free-Picture.de.tl you will find a collection of ready-made headers, according to their own statement “completely free of charge and without any consideration”.
- Alternatively, you will also find what you are looking for on eKiwi.de.
- These banners are backgrounds. With the help of Paint.NET you can, for example, insert 3D text with gloss.
Tips for creating a header
Paint.NET offers many other useful functions to create beautiful headers easily. The following practical tips will help you:
- You can create beautiful effects for the background by running pictures into each other or by creating flames.
- With the help of our practical tips you can, for example, create lettering with a colour gradient.
- If you wish, you can rotate the text.
- In addition, you can make frames around text and smooth the edges.