As soon as you reduce the size of your PDF, it is much easier to send it by e-mail. The reason: compressing saves storage space. In this practical tip we explain how you can do this and benefit from it.
Reduce PDF file size via resolution
You can reduce the resolution of the file. This will result in some loss of quality, but the file will also be significantly smaller.
- Open the PDF file and click “Print”.\Select a PDF creator such as “PDF24 Creator” or “Bullzip PDF Printer” as the printer. If you do not have a PDF printer, you should install it first.
- In the printer properties click on “Advanced”.
- Now set the print quality. For example, instead of the default 600dpi, set it to 300dpi.
- Confirm with “OK” and create the PDF file by clicking on “Print”.
Reduce PDF with software
Another quick alternative is the IrfanView programme. With this you can reduce the size of your PDF document in just a few steps.
- Click on the PDF file with the right mouse button. Then click on “IrfanView” under “Open with” (image 1).
- Next, click on the tab “Image” and then on “Resize…” (image 2). Alternatively, you can simply press the key combination “Ctrl” + “R”.
- Now you have the possibility to change the size of your PDF document as you like.
- For example, you can vary the height and width as a percentage or to the pixel (Figure 3, item 1). Alternatively, select any standard formatting (picture 3, point 2).