With the programme “XMedia Recode” you can easily adjust the volume of your MP4 video. The software is available free of charge and can also convert your videos into other formats.
To adjust the volume of your MP4 video
First of all, download and install XMedia Recode. Then proceed as follows:
- Start XMedia Recode and drag and drop the MP4 video onto the programme window.
- Select the MP4 file with a left click so that it is highlighted in blue. Other tabs will appear at the bottom, such as “Format” and “Audio”.
- First go to “Format” and select “MP4” from the drop-down menu of the same name.
- Navigate now to “Filter/Preview” and click on “Audio Track”.
- Under the video preview you should already see the volume correction. If this is not the case, click on “Add filter” and select the correction.
- When you click on the effect, you can choose between “Change volume (%)”, “Change volume (dB)” and “Normalise volume (dB)”.
- After you have adjusted the volume above, click on “Add Job” at the top.
- Select “Encode” to save the changes and export the new video. You will find the file in your “own videos”.