Discord has added a soundboard that allows you to play custom uploaded or existing sounds in voice channels.
How to download Discord Soundboard
Since Soundboard is a built-in feature of Discord, all you need is the program itself and optionally your own files with sounds. The feature is only available in the desktop app so far.
- Download Discord to your Windows PC or Mac.
- Also download sounds that you want to integrate into your soundboard later. It doesn’t matter from where you download the sounds. But the files must not be longer than 5 seconds and 512 kilobytes in size, and must be saved in MP3 format.
- Log in to Discord or create an account.
How to set up the Discord soundboard
Servers have eight slots where you can upload sounds. If the server is boosted with Nitro, you will have 24 slots at level 1, 35 slots at level 2, and 48 slots at level 3.
- Join a server on Discord and join a voice channel there.
- In the lower left corner you will now find a note icon. Click on it to open the soundboard.
- Now you can already play the pre-installed sounds from Discord itself or other servers by clicking on it.
- For your own sounds go to “Add Sound”.
- Select the audio file via “Browse” and give the sound a name. Optionally, you can also select an associated emoji and set the volume. Then click on “Upload”. The sound is now also playable.