If you no longer need Kaspersky’s service, you can cancel your subscription online in just a few clicks. We’ll show you how it works
Cancel your Kaspersky subscription online
- Log in on the Kaspersky “Account information” page. To do this, you will need your password and the order number of your subscription, which you will find in the confirmation email or order confirmation page. If you have forgotten your password, click “Forgotten password” to reset it.
- You will now be taken to the order summary home page. Click on the “Cancel” button.
- Confirm the process. The licence for your Kaspersky product is still valid until it expires, but will no longer be automatically renewed.
- Alternatively, you can also cancel your licence via the Aboalarm service. Simply fill out the form below. You can then either download the completed cancellation letter as a PDF free of charge or have Aboalarm send it to you for a small fee.