The slide master in PowerPoint 2010 and later can save you a lot of time and effort. Make universal changes that are automatically applied to new slides in your presentation.
Customizing slide masters in PowerPoint 2010 and later: these are the steps
Not only the structure and structure of a PowerPoint presentation are important. The layout also plays a central role. Customizations help you unify the design of your entire presentation and save time by not having to format each slide individually.
- Select the “View” tab in the menu bar and then go to “Slide Master” in the “Master View” group (see picture).
- You can recognize the slide master in the thumbnail view because it displays the largest slide.
- In the thumbnail view, click the slide master on the left to see a preview of the slide with the assigned standard layouts, which you can edit.
- Make changes to the slide master as needed. Add placeholders by clicking Insert Placeholder and selecting the type of placeholder you want. Customize the background, fonts, colors, and other design elements. Edit fixed elements, such as logos or background graphics, directly on the slide master
- The changes are automatically applied to all slides that use the corresponding layout.
- Tip: You can use multiple slide masters in a presentation. To do this, right-click the first slide master and select “Insert Slide Master” from the context menu. The new master is added to the end of the thumbnail view.
Slide master in PowerPoint: an overview of functions
The slide master makes it easier for you to create your PowerPoint presentation.
- It stores information about the slide layout and design, including the background, font color and effects.
- To make changes that will affect all slides, use the slide master.
- In the thumbnails on the left side of the screen, the slide master is the largest and uppermost slide. Below that are the various layouts that you can customize
- In the “Slide Master” menu item, you’ll find predefined designs that you can use as a base and further customize with the slide master tool.
- You can insert placeholders for specific media types, such as SmartArt graphics or videos. You can also create color schemes for different slide masters to identify different sections of the presentation.
- In addition, you can place watermarks or copyright notices as fixed elements in the slide master.