It is practical if you create a budget book yourself with Excel. This way you always have an overview of your income and expenses for a given month
How to create your own budget book with Excel step by step
To create a budget book with Excel, you should first ensure that you have an overview. To do this, follow the individual steps.
- Open Excel and save the new document under the name “Budget book” with the current year. Similar labels are also possible.
- Click on the plus sign in the lower area to add a new spreadsheet. Follow this step until you have 13 individual spreadsheets.
- Rename the spreadsheets in the next step by first right-clicking on “Table 1” and then selecting “Rename” to enter “January”. Continue this until the month “December” and enter “Balance Sheet” or “Annual Summary” for the 13th spreadsheet.
- Then return to January and write a heading such as “Overview of my income and expenditure in January”.
- Below this, make two separate tables, one for your income and one for your expenditure. Note the amounts, the total and the surplus. Compare this with the picture.
- Copy the table into all the spreadsheets from “January” to “December”. Change the month in the heading manually in each case.
- Now enter all fixed income and expenses into the spreadsheets by clicking on the spreadsheet “January”. Select the first cell [A1] here and then press the [Shift] key and then click on the worksheet “December”. Now all the spreadsheets are selected. Enter all income and expenses that are fixed. This way the amounts are now on all the spreadsheets.
Determine the total, surplus and balance
Once you have created everything, you can now enter the variable amounts into your budget book month by month. Next, you should then first create the total, then the surplus and finally also the balance sheet or annual overview.
- To find the total, enter the command “=SUM(B3:B5)” in the cell without the inverted commas. This command applies to the example. In your case, there will probably be other cells for “B3” and “B5”.
- Now create a table with the month, the income, the expenses as well as the profit or loss at the worksheet “Balance sheet” or “Annual overview”.
- See also the pictureYou determine the surplus by subtracting the income with the expenditure. In the example, this means that you enter “=Cx-Cx” without inverted commas. Replace the two “x “s with the rows in your table, and you will probably also have to adjust the letter of the corresponding column in your table.
- To ensure that all income is transferred correctly, enter “=January!D6” (or the corresponding letter of the column and the number of the row) for January in the corresponding cell without inverted commas. For the expenses, enter “=January!D13”, also without inverted commas, and for “Profit/Loss” again without the inverted commas “January!E13”. You then adjust this formula per month and get an overview of your income and expenditure for the entire year.