You want to enter a backslash ( \ )on your Mac but can’t find it on the keyboard? No wonder, because there is no key for the backslash on the MacBook or the Apple Wireless Keyboard. A simple shortcut provides a remedy.
Backslash on the Mac with a simple shortcut
On the Mac, the backslash is hidden behind a simple key combination:
- Press and hold the [alt] key.
- In addition, press the shift key and hold it down as well. The shift key is the key you use when you want to write capital letters, for example.
- Now tap the [7] key and voilà: There’s the backslash! Now you can let go of all the keys again.
- If you can’t remember the key combination, press the control command key and the space bar at the same time to call up the character overview and select the backslash.
MacBook Pro with touch bar – special characters
Those who own a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar don’t have to remember a key combination.
- You can customise the Touch Bar and add features to suit your needs.
- This can be done quite easily in the “System settings” under “Keyboard” and here under the tab “Keyboard”.
- Under the entry “Special keys” on the left-hand side, you can then adjust the functions of the status bar – and also define special characters such as the backslash.
Try other keys in combination with [alt] and the shift key. You will be surprised at the special characters you can enter with your Mac. In the next practical tip, we will introduce you to even more useful Mac key combinations.
1 comment
or just get the fall 2021 MacBook Pro which comes with a dedicated backslash + pipe key (left of the right shift key) on my qwerty keyboard