Often you are faced with the question of what to say in response to “thank you”. It is part of good manners to say something in response to a “thank you”. There are several ways to do this, depending on whether you are in a business or private environment.
What to say in response to “thank you”: Show sincere joy and appreciation
When someone says “thank you” to you, it is important to say something back. Leaving thanks uncommented is acting rudely and can come across as disinterested as well as unkind. Of course, you can comment on the “thank you” with a simple “please”. But it can also be more personal, more creative, more imaginative.
- You have several options for how to respond to a “thank you”, for example, with polite phrases such as “You’re welcome”, “You’re welcome again”, “You’re welcome”, “No problem” or “You’re welcome”.
- Colloquially, “Here you go!”, “You’re welcome” or “Not for this” also work. A more casual response is “Null Problemo” or “You are welcome”.
- You can also express your appreciation to your counterpart with an appropriate “please”. For example, with “Glad I could help”, “Glad you/they enjoyed it” or “That’s what friends/parents/siblings/colleagues/etc. are for. “
- For business relationships, you can answer in the following way to value the preceding thanks: “It’s part of our service/promise”, “For good business partners, always happy to do so” or “It was an honour to work/business with you/etc.”.