If you’re wondering what ticks are actually good for, the answer might surprise you. The little creatures are actually very useful for nature
What ticks are good for
When it gets warmer, the little arachnids come out into the open again and can be a nuisance to hikers and nature lovers. Nevertheless, ticks also have a role to play in the ecosystem.
- Nature is about eating and being eaten. Ticks are also part of the food chain and serve as a food source for birds and other insectivores such as larvae and wasps
- The tick has a parasitic life form. This means that it feeds on the organisms of others. As a result, they also transmit diseases to which some species are resistant and others are not. The tick can therefore regulate populations and serves nature as a guardian of balance.
- At the same time, it helps to optimize species and plays an important role in evolutionary continuity. Parasites provide opportunities to improve the body’s own defenses, but often only in subsequent generations.
- By the way: the number of ticks is particularly high in regions rich in wildlife. Afforestation has multiplied the game population in some parts. As a result, ticks are also appearing more frequently on the radar
Protect yourself from ticks
So that the little animals can do their job and you can enjoy and experience nature without stress, you should protect yourself. This way you can avoid annoying or even dangerous bites and the ticks can do their work in the woods and meadows.
- Diseases such as Lyme disease or TBE can be transmitted by tick bites. It is possible to be vaccinated against TBE and thus significantly reduce the risk of a severe course of the disease
- Tick repellent spray can also prevent the little creatures from biting. The spray confuses the scent receptors of ticks and other insects, making you unattractive to the nasty biters.
- If you spend a lot of time outdoors, in the forest or in tall grass, it is advisable to wear long and loose clothing. Ticks often crawl up your legs before they bite, and there is a greater chance that they will fall off wide pants before they reach their target
- You should also wear closed shoes when outdoors. This will make it even more difficult for the biting arachnids.