Psychological Astrology: What’s behind it

by Pramith

Psychological astrology combines astrological concepts with psychological theories to gain deeper insights into personality.

Psychological astrology: the concept

Psychological astrology is based on the idea that the planets and zodiac signs have symbolic correspondences to various aspects of the human psyche. The interpretation of a natal chart is used in psychological astrology to understand the different personality traits and to identify possible conflicts or areas for growth.

  • Self-development and self-realization: The focus is on how individuals can develop their talents and potential. Astrological symbols are used as tools for self-knowledge, not as predetermined destiny.
  • Archetypes and Symbols: Concepts from the analytical psychology of C.G. Jung are often integrated, such as archetypes. The planets and astrological signs are seen as representatives of archetypal energies that symbolize various psychological and emotional processes.
  • Inner Conflict and Integration: Psychological astrology places particular emphasis on the integration of conflicting personality aspects that may be found in a birth chart. It attempts to understand how opposing planetary positions or aspects affect a person’s life and what inner conflicts they trigger.
  • Astrological counseling: Psychological astrologers often work in a counseling capacity, similar to psychotherapy. They support people in becoming aware of their inner dynamics and making self-responsible decisions.
  • Psychological astrology is often used as a tool for self-knowledge and aims to improve understanding of one’s own inner processes and behavior in relationships. It distances itself from fatalistic or deterministic approaches that view life as firmly predetermined. Instead, it emphasizes the possibility of making conscious decisions and promoting personal development.

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