If you come across the term Inktober online, there is a creative challenge behind it. In this challenge, the month of October is used to develop one’s own drawing talent
Creative Challenge: That’s what Inktober is all about
Inktober is made up of “ink” and “tober” as a short form of “October”. Behind the term is a challenge that takes place annually on paper and online.
- Every year in October, there is a special challenge for creative minds: as part of toktober, you make a new drawing every day with ink or black fineliners.
- There is a specific motto for each day that needs to be fulfilled. Themes that want to be put on paper are, for example: shell, journey, eagle, salty, tempting or cogwheel.
- Artists use Inktober to develop their own skills and try out motifs that they might not otherwise dare to do. The finished works are then shared online, for example on Instagram under the hashtag inktober.
- Those who don’t manage to draw and post daily may also create and post fewer artworks. Inktober is supposed to be fun for creatives above all else.
- The idea for the challenge was launched by artist Jade Parker in 2009. He called for anyone who likes to draw or paint to take part in the challenge. Because daily practice improves artistic skills enormously.