You should descale your Nespresso machine regularly. A lot of limescale builds up over time. This affects the machine and the taste
Descaling your Nespresso machine – what you need to know
When it comes to descaling, the same applies to the Nespresso machine as to all other coffee machines: regular descaling is essential if you want to enjoy your Nespresso for a long time.
- Frequency: How often you should descale your Nespresso machine depends largely on the hardness of the water you use. Last but not least, the use of the coffee machine is also a key factor. Otherwise, depending on the water hardness and frequency of use, descale your Nespresso every two to six months. A good indicator that descaling is due is also the noise made by the machine
- Remedies: You can use a descaler from the supermarket or drugstore for descaling. As a rule, you will also find some information in the manufacturer’s operating instructions about which descaling agents are particularly suitable for the Nespresso machine.
- Dosage: You should always dose the descaler according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Descaling your Nespresso machine – how to do it
The descaling process varies slightly depending on the Nespresso model. The exact procedure can be found in the manufacturer’s instruction booklet. However, the following steps are largely identical for all machines.
- Empty the water collection container and the tank and pour the descaling liquid into the tank.
- To collect the cleaning liquid, place a small container at the outlet of the machine.
- Depending on the machine, the cleaning cycle is started differently. You usually have to press a special button combination to do this. The exact procedure can be found in the machine manual. For the common Nespresso CitiZ model, you will find the instructions below
- Let the liquid run through once. Then carry out the process at least twice more with clean water.
Finally, wipe all accessible areas of the Nespresso machine again with a clean cloth.
Nespresso CitiZ – how to descale the coffee machine
Descale the Nespresso CitiZ as follows:
- First remove all capsules from the machine. Then place a drip tray under the machine to collect the liquid
- Then fill the water tank with approx. 500 ml of water and the descaling liquid.
- Now switch on the machine and wait until the heating process is complete.
- To activate descaling mode, press and hold the espresso and lungo button for approx. 3 seconds.
- The two buttons flash quickly to indicate that descaling mode is activated. To start the descaling process, press the Lungo button.
- After the descaling cycle is complete, repeat the process at least two more times with clear water.
- To exit descaling mode, press and hold both buttons simultaneously for three seconds.
- Then wipe all accessible areas of the machine again with a clean cloth. The Nespresso machine is now ready for use again and nothing stands in the way of a hot cup of coffee.