The iPhone noise detection can be used for different purposes. It serves users with a handicap, but also includes useful features for everyday life.
iPhone: What noise recognition can do
The iPhone’s noise detection is a feature that recognises various sounds. These include, for example, the doorbell, baby crying and various household appliances. When your iPhone detects one of the sounds, you will get a push notification.
- Enable noise detection: To do this, go to “Operating aids” in the “Settings” and select “Noise detection”. Activate the switch next to it. Now you can select which sounds the iPhone should recognise from a list under “Sounds”. To recognise relevant sounds, activate them via the button next to it. You can select the ringing tone and the vibration pattern via “Notification tones”.
- Categories: The iPhone can detect different alarms for fire, sirens or smoke. There is also the category Animals, which includes cats and dogs. Furthermore, various household appliances, car horns, doorbells, door knocks or running water can be selected. People can also be selected. This includes normal crying and baby crying.
- Dangers: However, the manufacturer itself advises against relying entirely on noise detection. Especially in emergency situations such as reporting alarm signals or other critical situations, caution should be exercised.