If Zoom displays error code 5003, the software cannot connect to the servers. We show you how to fix the problem here.
Zoom error code 5003 – how to solve the problem
If you encounter error code 5003 during a Zoom conference, the software can no longer connect to its own servers.
- The most obvious solution could be to restart the software. Close it, even in the background, and restart the application. In the best case, the error message will no longer appear.
- If the error still occurs, it is advisable to check the status of Zoom’s servers. For this purpose, the company has developed its own status page, on which you can see all services and their status listed individually.
- If there is no error there either, you can still check your Internet connection. It is possible that it is not strong enough or even interrupted. In that case, try connecting to another network or restarting your router.
- Your Windows Firewall may also be blocking Zoom and its connection. In this case, either a request appears about you setting up an exception for the software, or you turn off your firewall.