What is Foursquare? Simply explained

by Pramith

Foursquare has long been well-known and popular in the USA, but in Germany the service for experiences and activities on vacation is used less frequently

What Foursquare is: Visit and rate places

Foursquare is a social network. Unlike Twitter, you don’t share messages, but transmit locations.

  • Foursquare is a network that you can use to share the location of places you have visited with others.
  • Download the free location app Foursquare for iOS or Foursquare for Android. Alternatively, you can use Foursquare in your browser
  • If you actively use the Foursquare app, you can share your current location with your friends at any time. This allows you to announce your current location online and even rate it

What can Foursquare do?

For example, if you find yourself in a café or restaurant and want to share this location, simply open the Foursquare app. You now check in at the respective location and have the option of making your location visible to your friends. The location can also be shared on Facebook and X.

  • In addition, you can write something about your stay in the restaurant and share these posts with your friends. You can also rate the location on Foursqaure
  • Some restaurants and cafés are already using Foursquare for the benefit of their customers: For example, if you can prove through Foursqure that you have been to a particular café ten times in the last few weeks, you will receive a free coffee. However, such campaigns are still relatively rare in Germany

Foursquare is good as a tipster

Foursquare was founded in 2009 and has already built up a large user base, particularly in the USA. The service can be used worldwide. People all over the world can check in and share their location with others.

  • Checking in means that you share your current location via the service. This can be a restaurant, a fitness center, a train station or a public toilet.
  • In addition to checking in, as a user you also have the option of receiving recommendations for new locations that users with the same preferences have visited.
  • You can also save locations and add them to a personal favorites list.

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