Maybe you have often wondered what exactly C is. It is a programming language that is used in many different areas of application.
What is C#: Explained in simple terms
C# is commonly pronounced “C sharp” or also “C hash”.
- C# was originally developed by Microsoft and it has been in existence since 1988. The name of the language comes from music, where the symbol means an increase in tone by a semitone.
- The syntax, i.e. the grammar of the programming language, is very similar to languages such as C, C++ or Java. Just like Java and C++, C
- C# is particularly suitable for programming games on all kinds of platforms. For example, the company Unity – one of the largest companies for computer games – mainly uses C
- But C# Another important fact about C is that it includes a native “garbage collector”. This means that variables that are no longer needed during programme execution are automatically deleted by the so-called rubbish collector, freeing up memory. With C, on the other hand, this has to be done manually.