If you’re on TikTok a lot, you may have wondered what the so-called “body count” is. We’ll explain.
What Body Count is these days
Body Count is an expression used nowadays mainly on the platform TikTok, but also on other social networks.
- This term stands for the number of previous sexual partners of a person.
- So if someone claims to have a body count of five, he or she means to have had sexual intercourse with five people in his or her lifetime.
- So, as the German translation already suggests, it is purely about the number of bodies with which one has already become intimate.
- This value plays an important role especially with young people who sometimes want to distinguish themselves with their sexual experience.
Body Count: Original Meaning
In its original sense, the term body count comes not from youth and internet culture, but from the language of the military.
- In the past, the body count referred to the number of dead of the opposing side in war.
- For example, during the Vietnam War, the US tried to measure its success and progress by the body count.
- For psychological warfare, the results of the Body Count were announced every evening over the radio.