What is a prank? Meaning in youth language

by Pramith

Prank is an English youth word that means something like prank. These jokes are shown to an audience of millions on platforms such as YouTube

What a prank is

In the past it was a prank, today it’s a prank – times change, but the principle remains the same.

  • When teenagers say something like: “Well, I’ve pranked you!”, it means something like: “Well, I’ve played a nice prank on you!”
  • To be pranked means to fall for a joke or a prank. A prank is also often referred to when the victim is misled by false statements.
  • Prank videos in particular often include the exclamation: “It’s just a prank, bro!”. Loosely translated, this means something like “It’s just a joke, dude!”. This phrase is also often used ironically

Pranks achieve high click rates on the net

Many content creators only upload prank videos to social media.

  • Pranks are a hit on YouTube, for example. The videos generate millions of clicks. The German channel “Kelvin und Marvin” has over 2 million subscribers and is constantly uploading videos about pranks
  • American channels also use pranks to generate reach. The actors often push their own boundaries and provoke their victims, which sometimes triggers violence.
  • Internet pranks are often simply posed, i.e. they are agreed in advance. Influencers are also repeatedly criticized for tasteless pranks.

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