VSCO-Girl is a slang word derived from a photo editing app. It refers to a certain type of girl who uses this app and is said to have a similar style of dress and speech.
How to pronounce “VSCO girl “
The name of the app VSCO is an acronym for “Visual Supply Company”. The app was founded in 2011 by Joel Flory and Greg Lutze in California and was initially known as VSCO Cam. Both photos and short video or GIFs can be edited with it.
- VSCO is written in phonetic script, i.e. the International Phonetic Alphabet, “vɪskoʊ”, i.e. the pronunciation translated into the German alphabet would look like this: “Wiskou”.
- The “w” sounds like the first letter in “wind”. The “i” is a short vowel, as in “important”. The “s” is pronounced sharply as in the word “water”.
- The “ou” at the end is a diphthong, i.e. a double sound consisting of two vowels. In German, we do not have the “ou” in this sense. It occurs, for example, in the pronunciation of the English word “goat”. German diphthongs would be, for example, “ei” or “au”.
The meaning of VSCO-Girl
The slang word is often used pejoratively for certain teenage girls who have a similar style of dress and use the app VSCO to edit their pictures. These pictures are then mostly shared on social media platforms like Instagram.
- Typical features of VSCO girls are oversized T-shirts, sweatshirts or jumpers that go over their short denim shorts. Likewise, they should wear high sports socks from Nike or other brands over leggings and mom jeans.
- Popular shoes besides Vans are so-called “ugly shoes”, i.e. supposedly ugly shoes like Crocs or Birkenstocks. Accessories that are readily associated with VSCO girls are shell necklaces and portable water bottles.
- In addition, instead of laughing, VSCO girls are said to pronounce the vowels “sk” in quick succession. This slang, however, seems to be more common in North American speech.