If you want to buy or sell on Vinted, fees may apply. You can find out what they are charged for and how high they are in this practical tip.
Vinted – Fees at a glance
Selling clothes on Vinted is free with any payment method – however, if you are a buyer, various fees may apply. There are also additional services that are chargeable.
- Buyer Protection: In order to be able to guarantee the so-called “Vinted Buyer Protection”, a fee of 70 cents and an additional 5% of the sales price (excluding shipping costs) is charged for each transaction.
- Push: If you are a seller and would like to push your items back to the top of the catalogue, you can “push” them for a small fee. For 3 days a push costs €1.15 and for 7 days €1.95.
- Best Match: If you want your items to be seen by other shoppers who buy products of similar sizes or brands, you can buy a promotion worth €6.95 for seven days.
- In addition to these costs, shipping charges will also apply to the items purchased. These can vary between €3.65 and €15.28 depending on weight, size, insurance required and destination country.