If you spend a lot of time on the internet and come into contact with memes, then you have certainly come across a “SnuSnu” meme.
The importance of SnuSnue memes
The term “SnuSnu” is mainly used in memes that show lightly dressed, muscular or imposing women. The charming-sounding term is thus in stark contrast to the content depicted.
- SnuSnu is simply a euphemism for sexual intercourse.
- The origin of this term lies in the popular series “Futurama”.
- In an episode of the third season entitled “Amazons Make Snu Snu” (in the original “Amazon Women in the Mood”), Fry and his companions land on a planet ruled by imposing and strong women, the Amazons. This is where the term “SnuSnu” first appears.
- The Amazons behave very hostile towards males. In the plot of the story, Fry, Bender and Kif are captured by the Amazons and sentenced to death.
- The death sentence is to be carried out through sex. This is called “SnuSnu” in the language of the Amazons. So the death sentence in their language is “death by SnuSnu”.