If you want to enable remote access to drives, for example, you must release the correct ports for SMB. In order to be able to use the full range of functions of SMB, an additional setting may be necessary
SMB: You must release these ports
SMB actually only needs one port to work properly. However, you can also release other ports if you want to work with more than just IP addresses as identification in your network.
- The most important port is TCP 445, which is used by default for all SMB communication, so it should definitely be enabled.
- If you want to use “NetBios/Name resolution”, you should enable ports 137 and 138 UDP and 137 and 139 TCP. However, be aware of the security risks this may pose.
- If you have problems releasing the ports, you can find help on the Microsoft website.
This is an SMB port
The SMB port is used for communication between services and processes on different computers within a network. Since Windows 2000, the same TCP-type port is always used for the SMB port, port 445.
- Microsoft developed SMB itself and has constantly optimised it over the years. In the meantime, SMB exists in version 3.0, which, among other things, has retrofitted end-to-end encryption.
- Since there are numerous applications for communication between computers within a network, there are many different protocols and programmes that are based on SMB. As a rule, these do not originate from Microsoft itself. The best known are Samba, NQ and Likewise.