If your dishwasher from Siemens or Bosch shows the error code E22 or simply 22, further service is refused. We show you how to solve the problem
Dishwasher from Siemens: What error code 22 means
If your Siemens dishwasher reports error E22, there is a problem with pumping. The exact cause is not yet clear. The following things may have happened:
- The drain hose is blocked or damaged
- The drain strainer is clogged
- The drain pump is clogged or damaged
- The check valve is blocked
Resolve error E22 on Siemens dishwasher: Check drain
- First, check the strainer in the bottom of the dishwasher. This is where all the larger items get stuck that won’t fit through the hose. Often the strainer is clogged with plastic, eggshells or other waste.
- Since error E22 is a problem with pumping, you should also check the drain hose. The hose should not be kinked or rolled up too tightly.
- Then check the drain pipe for blockages. If the drain is connected directly to the sink, you do not have to dismantle the drain hose separately. If the water in the sink drains properly, there is usually no blockage in the machine’s hose.
Dishwasher with error E22: check pump and non-return valve
If it is not due to the above problems, the fault is unfortunately somewhat more serious. Common causes can be a blockage or a defect in the lye pump.
- Foreign bodies in the non-return valve can also block the drain. However, both components are not easily accessible and should only be removed with instructions.
- If this is indeed where the fault lies, the repair is usually worthwhile. A new pump pot with seal and non-return valve costs only about 30 euros. Do-it-yourselfers can carry out the repair themselves.
Error E22: Use warranty for Siemens dishwashers
- If the dishwasher is still under warranty, you should also make use of it. This will save you money and, most importantly, work.
- The expert can locate the problem in a few minutes. A repair is usually not too costly.
- Outside of the warranty, you can obtain a cost estimate from a craftsman. If the appliance is already several years old or was very inexpensive to purchase, it is usually more worthwhile to buy a new one.