Before you arrange a return to Unitymedia, you need to bear a few points in mind. Otherwise, the package will quickly be returned to you and on top of that you will be stuck with the shipping costs. We’ll show you how to proceed correctly.
Returns to Unitymedia: This is how you send the devices back
Unitymedia has been part of Vodafone since 2018. Therefore, it is important to create the return label for returning Unitymedia hardware via Vodafone’s website. If you have any difficulties, you can also contact customer service.
- To do this, go to the website and click through the process by clicking here “Specify revocation and return”.
- Enter your personal details and print the document you have created.
- Now detach the slip from the posting receipt – this is for your records. Then stick the return slip on the parcel.
- Pack the respective device in the package and seal it properly.
- Drop the package off at the post office (DHL). There are no costs for you here.
- After about one to two weeks, you will receive a confirmation by post from Vodafone.