Prompt engineering is an essential component in the use and handling of artificial intelligence.
Prompt Engineering – what’s behind it
If you want to make good use of artificial intelligence, you will hardly be able to avoid prompt engineering. The increasing establishment of artificial intelligence in our everyday lives is inevitably associated with new terminology, the meaning of which we must come to terms with if we do not want to miss the boat.
- Argusting minds may fear that artificial intelligence could gain dominance over us in the foreseeable future, but it’s not there yet. The programs are only as good as the person who operates them and this is done with the help of the so-called prompt.
- The term prompt in this context means something like command. You give the programme a command, which the artificial intelligence then implements accordingly. For example, if you want to find out the current price for sneakers, it makes little sense to simply enter shoes or shoe prices.
- Whether it’s ChatGPT, DALL-E 2 or Compose AI, prompt engineering is an essential part of artificial intelligence. Prompt engineering is used to decide how good or bad the results are that artificial intelligence gives you.
- In short, prompt engineering is ultimately about telling the artificial intelligence as precisely as possible what you want it to do. Only then is the programme able to deliver the best possible results.