If your bank details have changed, you also need to change the bank details you have saved with PayPal. In this practical tip, we show you how to do this.
Change your bank details at PayPal – this is how it works
To change your bank details at PayPal, you should first open the PayPal page.
- Log in with your user account.
- On the main page you will see the submenu “Bank accounts and credit cards” on the right-hand side. Clicking on the heading will take you to the next menu.
- In the list you will see your already existing payment sources and the options “Add bank account” as well as “Add credit card”.
- If you want to update your new bank account details with PayPal, click on “Add bank account”.
- First select the bank where you have the account and then agree to log in to your bank account or connect PayPal oer IBAN to your account.
- If you want to delete your old PayPal account, first click on the bank details in the overview and then at the very bottom on “Remove bank account” and confirm this step.