Not everyone is familiar with the meaning of OOTD. The abbreviation is mainly used in the virtual world. It is widely used in social networks
OOTD: Different meanings of the term
OOTD does not always mean the same thing in an online store as it does on social networks. For example, if a private individual posts a picture with the hashtag OOTD, the abbreviation stands for “outfit of the day”. In turn, a retailer uses ootd to describe “the offer of the day”. In English, this is called “offer of the day”.
- If the abbreviation is used by a retailer, it refers to the offer of the day for a product. This means that you can purchase it at a lower price. The offer only applies for this one day.
- If you stumble across a retailer’s hashtag OOTD on social media, they are also advertising their product there. Their offer of the day could be smartphones, laptops or other products. Clothing does not necessarily have to play a role
- Private individuals, influencers or fashion bloggers use the hashtag OOTD to present their latest outfit. They either want recognition or to encourage other people to buy
- For example, if an influencer collaborates with a company, it is reasonable to assume that the aim is to make the outfit appealing to followers.
- You can also use the abbreviation OOTD in the reply field to indicate that you like the published outfit. If you have a favorite outfit and tag it with the hashtag OOTD, you have nominated it as “outfit of the day” for yourself.