There are numerous abbreviations in net jargon, including NSFW. What the abbreviation means in detail is explained in this practical tip.
What does NSFW mean?
The abbreviation NFSW stands for Not Safe For Work or Not Suitable for Work and translates as “Not suitable for the workplace”.
- The abbreviation is often used in emails and appears in the subject, before links or in the name of the attachment. The sender thus wants to warn you about the content, as you may get into trouble if you open the mail at work.
- A number of posts or contributions with this abbreviation are also circulating on the Internet. Especially on entertainment portals such as 9Gag, Reddit or BuzzFeed, this warning can be found frequently.
- It is not uncommon for this to be suggestive or otherwise adult content – links to erotic websites or nude photos, for example.
- The lesser-used counterpart to NFSW is SFW (Safe for Work).