Those who want to save money on the streaming service Netflix in future will soon be able to take out a subscription with advertising. However, it does not offer the full scope as the conventional subscriptions.
Favourable Netflix subscription with ads coming in 2023
In order to boost user numbers and make the streaming service more attractive to people on a budget, Netflix has decided to offer a cheaper subscription with ads soon.
- Accordingly, Netflix customers are expected to be able to take out a low-priced – not free – subscription that includes advertisements from the beginning of 2023. It is still unclear when this subscription will be available in Germany, as the new function will only be launched in a few countries on a test basis.
- For users who have turned their backs on Netflix due to price increases in the past, the new cheap subscription could be interesting. How cheap it will really be, however, has also not yet been announced.
- One thing is certain: the majority of the films and series that Netflix offers in the current subscriptions will also be available in the cheaper subscription. But not all of the content will be offered; instead, new, own productions are to be launched.
- A small disadvantage compared to the standard subscription has also been revealed: The download function will not be included in the cheap Netflix tariff. This means you will not be able to stream films and series offline, but only with an internet connection.