If you mute WhatsApp, the question remains as to what the other person sees. However, you can rest assured that the setting is only visible to you.
Mute WhatsApp: What does the other person see?
The mute function is also part of the optimal use of WhatsApp. When you mute a person or a group, it means that no more push notifications or notification sounds will appear when new messages arrive in that chat. However, the messages will still end up in the chat history and you can read them at any time by opening the app.
- When you mute someone, it only applies to notifications from that individual chat. In WhatsApp, you can choose how long you want to mute notifications for: 8 hours, 1 week, or “Always.”
- This is especially useful for group chats to reduce notifications from very active groups. You will still be a member of the group and receive the messages, but without constant notifications.
- The muted contact or members of the muted group will not receive any notification that you have muted them.
- From their perspective, nothing changes: messages will be delivered as normal and the “read” status will work as usual as soon as you read the message.
- You can unmute yourself at any time. To do so, simply go to the chat or group, open the chat settings and deactivate the mute function. However, muting is also a good way to regulate screen time, as you are not directly alerted to messages.