Whether you say “Moin” or “Moin Moin” makes a big difference in northern Germany. Even if the greeting sounds very similar, you can express different things with it.
Moin or Moin Moin: Meaning and difference
“Moin” is a greeting that has become established mainly in northern Germany. People have been wishing each other a good day in this way for more than 200 years. But what exactly the difference is to “Moin Moin” is unclear, especially for tourists.
- “Moin” means something like “pleasant” or nice”, as it comes from the East Frisian “moi”. If someone greets you with Moin, contrary to a widespread misconception, it doesn’t just mean “good morning”, but can also stand for “good day”, “good evening” or simply “hello”.
- “Moin” is a greeting that is appropriate at any time of day and is especially popular in Hamburg. But Moin is also used in many places in Berlin or Switzerland.
- It is not entirely clear where the expression “Moin Moin” comes from. Young people in particular like to use it, so it is a modern variation of the simple Moin.
- Among North Germans who are lazy about conversation, “Moin Moin” is already regarded as chattiness. The expression suggests that you not only want to greet your counterpart, but are also open to small talk.
- “Moin Moin” is therefore a bit more unofficial, cordial and relaxed compared to “Moin”. “Moin Moin” can even express an acknowledgement in addition to a greeting, i.e. it can be used as an alternative to “Yes”.