“Waiting to start” is a midjourney error that you can theoretically always encounter. Many causes can be responsible for this error.
Midjourney “Waiting to start”: Problem with the prompt
The error “Waiting to start” can occur with Midjourney when prompts hang up within the queue. It does not matter which mode you use for image creation.
- To solve the problem, navigate to the respective prompt. Depending on the number of prompts entered, you may have to search for it a little longer.
- Use the Add Reaction function by moving the mouse over the prompt. Then look for the red X emoji and select it. The prompt will now be cancelled.
- Enter the prompt again. Be sure to enter it accurately to avoid possible errors during editing.
- Now the request will be processed again. If the same error occurs, there may be other problems.
Other causes for the error message
If the midjourney error is not a problem with the corresponding request, the following causes may be present:
- The prompt cannot be processed due to server overload or an update from the developers. In this case, you will have to wait to use Midjourney again. The Midjourney status website will inform you about possible outages.
- Alternatively, there may be a problem with your internet connection. Ideally, do not use Midjourney over a bandwidth-limited network. Change networks or restart your router to fix possible connection problems.
- There may be a problem with your app or the browser you are using. Restart the app or browser and try again.