Leaving the church brings different advantages and disadvantages. We have compiled all the important information for you below
What happens when you leave the church? Disadvantages and advantages
There are some advantages to leaving the church, but there may also be disadvantages. However, many of the disadvantages are more relevant if you are a person of faith considering leaving the church.
- Tax savings: after leaving the church, you will save 8 and 9 percent, respectively, of your income tax that was previously collected as church tax. This means, for example, that on a gross salary of 28,000 euros, you save almost 300 euros a year.
- Question of conscience: the church earns many billions of euros a year from taxes. However, many church members are not happy with how the money is used. By leaving the church, you take a personal stand on this – both as a believer and as an atheist.
- Baptism: Children whose parents have both left the church can only be baptized under certain conditions. For this, you must find a Christian who will accept the child into the fellowship of the church and accompany him/her in it. You yourself are then no longer entitled to be a godparent to another child.
- Communion and Confirmation: If your child cannot be baptized due to a lack of godparents, the possibility of a communion and a subsequent confirmation is also cancelled.
- Wedding: After leaving the church, you can get married in a civil ceremony, but no longer in church.
- Resignation in Church Institutions: If you are an employee of a church institution or your employer is under church sponsorship, you may be terminated by resignation.
- Funeral: If a pastor is to deliver the eulogy, this must be paid for by the relatives. For church members, on the other hand, this happens for free.
How do I leave the church? Procedure explained
If you want to leave the church, you must report it. We have summarized where and what documents you need:
- You first report in person to a notary public or to the registry office in your place of residence with the request that you want to leave the church.
- You will pay a fee of 25 or 35 euros for leaving the church, depending on the state. The resignation costs 25 euros, while a certificate for it costs 10 euros.
- Bring a valid identity card or your valid passport as proof of identity. If you are married or divorced, you will also need your family record book.
- After that, the office will automatically notify the appropriate tax office of your leaving the church.
- On the first of the next month your resignation becomes valid.