The question of whether Instagram is dangerous is one that its users should ask themselves. After all, the internet holds many dangers and these also exist on this platform
Is Instagram dangerous? This is what you should know
Just like many other social media platforms, Instagram has dangers that may not be apparent at first glance.
- So it is possible that you come into contact with people who are not the best company for you. Among others, paedophiles hang around on the platform and scammers are also not uncommon. This is especially problematic when children and young people encounter them and are unable to recognise the danger.
- Then they may get involved in meetings with strangers or send pictures of themselves which have no place on the internet.
- In addition, there is also a lot of disturbing content on Instagram, which can have a lasting impact on young people in particular. For example, images of violence, wars and disasters.
- The platform also has a great influence on people’s own self-esteem. Because when people present their supposedly perfect lives and their great bodies there, many start to compare this with their own lives and feel bad. The consequences can be depression or even eating disorders.
- Another danger is being influenced by fake news. After all, anyone can spread news and incite hatred there, even though the content is fictitious.
- As with many other platforms, there is also a great danger of becoming addicted to them.
How to protect yourself from the dangers
Protecting yourself completely from the dangers on social media is not always possible, but you can prevent it as much as possible.
- So it makes sense to set your own profile to “private” so that no strangers have access to it. Only accept requests from people you know.
- Write as little as possible with strangers and do not send them confidential data. Even if they make you promises, don’t just trust them.
- Report posts that glorify violence and those you consider harmful.
- Don’t just meet strangers. Make sure you know who is behind it before you do. And don’t go to meetings alone, or let friends know where you are. Also, choose a place where there are lots of other people who can help you.
- Keep in mind that other people’s lives on Instagram are not reality. These people are going through bad times too, but mostly don’t post it.
- Recognise your own self-worth and that you are okay the way you are.
- Talk about it if you are being harassed, or are a victim of bullying. You don’t have to go through it alone. There are lots of places you can contact.
- Children and young people can get help from the Nummer gegen Kummer, for example. In the case of cyberbullying, the Weisse Ring can help.