You don’t need to be an IT professional to find out your own or someone else’s IP address. Here we show you how to find out either your own IP address or that of a third-party server
How do I find out my IP address?
You can easily find out your own IP address from Windows 8 onwards.
- First press [Win] + [R] simultaneously to open the “Run” window.
- Enter “cmd” here and confirm with “OK”.
- It opens the command center (CMD). Now enter “ipconfig” in CMD.
- You will find your IP under the entry “IPv4 address”.
Online Tools: Quickly find out the IP address online
You can also find out your own IP address online using various tools.
- Your IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are displayed on WhatIsMyIP.com
- Here you will also find the position of the Internet node to which you are connected.