With the latest developments in climate change, you have probably wondered how many wind turbines are needed to replace a nuclear power plant. However, there are differences between the calculation and the actual reality.
How many wind turbines replace a nuclear power plant?
To calculate the amount of wind turbines needed to replace a nuclear power plant, you should first familiarise yourself with the output of the respective plants. According to Taggesschau.de, a nuclear power plant generates approximately between 1000 and 1200 megawatts.
- The second step is to look at wind power plants. Modern turbines generate about 5 to 6 megawatts.
- Now add these together and the result is about 200 wind turbines needed to replace one nuclear power plant.
- Extrapolating to the 17 power plants in Germany, something around 3000 to 3500 wind power plants are therefore necessary.
Angle power and nuclear power: the reality
However, these power plants will not be enough. This is because, unlike a nuclear power plant, the output of a wind power plant depends on the weather and the location. Alone, using the above calculation, an area of 40 square kilometres is needed.
- But since the above calculation only calculates the maximum output of wind turbines, in practice far more wind turbines are needed than already determined. Should there be a prolonged lull, the nationwide energy supply is at risk.
- Thus, nuclear power plants are generally more efficient than wind farms. In addition, it must be considered that the area of an entire federal state is needed for this.
- Seeing it this way, wind power alone is not a solution for Germany’s nationwide energy supply. Only in combination with other sources, such as solar or even hydroelectric power, can such renewable energies keep up with and surpass the old raw materials.