If you have any problems or simple questions about your products, it’s worth contacting the customer service of the electricity provider EON. We have collected the hotline and all other contact details of the company for you here.
Contact EON: Hotline and contact details of the customer service
You can reach EON customer service in several ways.
- Hotline: The quickest way to reach EON customer service is to call 0871 – 95 38 62 00, which is available to EON customers Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 20:00. Those who do not yet have a contract with the electricity provider can use the number 0800 – 33 000 33. The calls are free of charge and the team of employees is available Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 20:00 and on Saturdays from 09:00 to 14:00. Alternatively, you can call back via this link.
- Email: You can also contact the electricity provider via the free contact form. To do so, select a subject that is as appropriate as possible and describe your request. The support team will usually get back to you within a few hours or days by e-mail.
- Chat: Alternatively, you can reach EON via the free chat on the Internet. To do this, click on the “LiveChat” button on the EON help page. Please note, however, that the chat is not available at all times.
- Social Media: EON customer service is also available on Facebook to deal with your concerns.
- Mail: Send letters and other written enquiries to the following address: E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH, Postfach 1475, 84001 Landshut.