If you want to cancel Samsung Pay, this is possible without waiting. However, there are a few points to note here.
Cancel Samsung Pay: important information
To cancel Samsung Pay, you need to contact Samsung Support. You have the following options to do so:
- You can reach Samsung Pay support either through the email address pay@samsung.de or live chat. Alternatively, it is possible to call customer support.
- This is possible via the phone number 06196-77 555 30. Available is the phone support of Samsung Pay Monday through Friday from 7 am to 9 pm. On Saturday, support is staffed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- You do not have to give notice. Your usage will be cancelled as soon as possible by customer support.
- Your account with Samsung’s partner bank Solarisbank AG will also be automatically terminated. You do not need to contact them.
- Note: If you need account statements from Samsung Pay, you must download them before canceling. After that, it will no longer be possible.
Samsung Pay: disable app and remove cards
Important before and after canceling Samsung Pay is deactivating the app and removing cards.
- Within the Samsung Pay app (Wallet), you can find your saved cards under the Credit/Debit menu item. Then select the card you want to remove.
- Click the icon with three dots on it. The Delete card option allows you to remove the card. This can be done with or without specifying a reason.
- After cancellation, access to the Samsung Pay app will be automatically disabled. Accordingly, you can no longer log in with the previous data.