If you have subscribed to Disney Plus and would now like to cancel, this is not yet possible via the German website. That’s why you have to choose another way to cancel the subscription. We will show you how to do this.
Cancel Disney Plus via the website
You can cancel your subscription to Disney+ directly via the provider’s website.
- Log in to Disney Plus.
- Hover your mouse over your profile picture in the top right corner and click on “Account”.
- Click on “Billing information”, then on “Cancel account”.
- Click on “Complete cancellation” to cancel your subscription as of the next possible date.
Cancel Disney Plus via the Help Centre
- You can also cancel your subscription via the Disney Plus support page. To do this, open the Help Centre online
- If you scroll to the bottom of the website, you will find a chat. You can use this on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.
- You can also use the telephone service. This is also available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- After you have presented your case, it takes one to two weeks until you receive confirmation of the cancellation. If you have already paid money, you will be refunded.
Cancel Disney Plus via Google Play
Another option is to cancel Disney Plus via Google Play. To do so, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Google account and open the play.google.com.page.
- Now click on my “My subscriptions”. There you should also find “Disney +”.
- Now click on the “Manage” button.
- You will now find a link where you can cancel your pre-order or subscription.