The optimal baking time of a frozen pizza affects the consistency and taste of this dish. You can find out what the optimum baking time and oven setting is below.
Baking time of frozen pizza: How to make it taste really good
To make your frozen pizza taste really good, it is important to prepare it correctly. Here we have some tips for you on how to bake frozen pizza in a tasty way:
- First, look at the preparation instructions on the frozen pizza packaging. There are both pizzas that need to be thawed for 10-15 before going into the oven and pizzas that should be baked directly when frozen.
- Preheat the oven according to the package instructions. In general, you can assume that pizzas often become dry in convection ovens. Therefore, it is better to use top and bottom heat.
- Place baking paper on the rack and place the frozen pizza on it. All packaging must be removed!
- If you like, you can spice up the pizza before baking. For example, sprinkle extra cheese and spices of your choice over the pizza.
- Place the oven rack in the preheated oven. Refer to the instructions on the packaging for the baking time. Normally, the cooking time of a frozen pizza is about 10-15 minutes. Depending on whether you prefer the pizza softer or crispier, you will need to vary the cooking time according to your preference.
- Enjoy your pizza!