We encounter the Anonymous Mask in everyday life at demonstrations, in cars, at carnivals, but also on the internet in videos or as an avatar image. What the Guy Fawkes mask is all about, we explain here.
This is the origin of the Anonymous mask
The Anonymous Mask of the internet collective of the same name stands above all for the secrecy of identity and also quite critical to revolutionary attitudes that are expressed with this mask. The model for the mask was quite prepared to lay down his life for his convictions.
- The Anonymous mask was taken from the 1982 graphic novel “V for Vendetta” by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. The template was later used by DC Comics and in cinema.
- The members probably chose the likeness of Guy Fawkes because in the novella he rebels against an unjust government and seeks revenge.
- The mask is used for anonymity and as an identifying feature. It also enjoys a certain cult status among internet-savvy people.
- Anonymous attracted attention through rallies and hacking actions in addition to posts on forums, websites and video platforms.
- The group itself operates as a loose collective of individuals and small groups.
That was Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes not only served as the model for the mask, but his actions certainly have parallels to the actions of Anonymous and
- Guy Fawkes was caught on 5 November 1605 placing barrels of explosives under the House of Lords of the English Parliament.
- He and his accomplices were sentenced to death and eventually executed as well.
- Guy Fawkes figures have been burned all over England on the night of 5 November ever since. This event is called Bonfire Night.
- Fawkes’ plan, as a Catholic and former campaigner for the Spanish crown, was to end Anglican domination and use the attack to help the Catholic royal families in England regain power.
- His machinations were discovered and foiled by an anonymous letter.