With Amazon or a Marketplace retailer, it is sometimes possible to receive a wrong delivery. You can easily return the delivered package. We will tell you how to do this in this practical tip.
False delivery when shipped by Amazon: This is what you can do
If you receive a wrong delivery from an Amazon shipping warehouse, the process for returning it is quite straightforward:
- Open Amazon’s website and click on “Merchandise Returns and Orders” in the top right corner.
- Select the correct order and click “Return Item”.
- Select the desired item from the order and select “Wrong item shipped” as the reason from the drop-down list.
- Now you need to specify the refund type. This usually corresponds to the payment method of the item. In some cases, however, you may receive a refund before your return is processed, for example in the form of an Amazon voucher.
- You will then receive a return voucher with which you can return the product free of charge.
- You can also use these steps if you don’t like an item you ordered. In order to take some of the pressure off the Christmas shopping season, Amazon is giving you more freedom until the end of the year with a longer returns period.
False delivery when shipped by Marketplace merchants: What you can do
If you did not order directly from Amazon, but through a Marketplace merchant on Amazon.de, follow the first three steps in the first chapter.
- If the item is from a Marketplace merchant, you will now be prompted to write a message to the merchant outlining your concerns.
- Within two business days, you’ll receive a reply and a link to the returns label you can print from the Amazon Returns Centre.